LocknLock’s actions for a better worldLocknLock embarks on fostering sustainable co-existence among the earth, mankind and LocknLock to uphold accountability towards environment and society and ensuring transparency in corporate management.

Do it now for the environment and people of the future
Business organizations are held responsible more than ever for addressing and countering the repercussions of climate change for the future of our planet. LocknLock plan to achieve Net-Zero by 2050.

Human rights and diversities are recognized, and co-prosperity and safety are ensured
LocknLock vows to promote safe and sustainable growth by encouraging people with diverse backgrounds to work together with inclusive spirit emphasizing cooperation and mutual respect.

Commitment to transparent and trusted management practices
Transparent decision-making processes and ethical management codes makes LocknLock trusted.
Download Rules and Policies
- Materials of key products by category
Electrical·electronic products RoHS certification
* Include quality certification - Code of Conduct for Suppliers
- Suppliers’ Self-evaluation Checklist
- Operational Regulations of the Audit Committee
Operational Regulations of the Internal
Accounting Management - Laws Subject to Infringement of Public Interest