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Measuring and monitoring GHG emissions by business site

In order to achieve our goal, 2050 carbon neutrality, LocknLock has made all-out efforts to establish short- mid- to long-term plans to respond to climate change. Not only the Headquarters, all our overseas subsidiaries, including in China, Vietnam, and the US, are joining the effort to measure their energy and water consumption, and GHG emissions, based on which we are formulating the company-wide plan for carbon and energy use mitigation.

Establishing strategies to raise renewable energy use

Following the declaration of our goal for 2050 carbon neutrality, we have drawn up detailed targets to accomplish the goal. These include the gradual establishment of GHG inventory, eco-friendly product development, and green packaging and renewable energy use expansion. As part of the plan, we plan to raise renewable energy share to 30% starting from the plants and logistics centers in Korea by 2031, and then expand to the business sites in China and Vietnam. In addition, the conversion of diesel-fueled forklifts to EVs (Electric Vehicles) is in progress in all global business sites. As of now, about 79% of vehicles have been converted
Korea: 30% by 2025, Vietnam: 30% by 2028, China: 30% by 2031 (compared to the 2021 level)

Enhancing energy efficiency

With the aim to reduce power consumption as well as to raise heat efficiency, the Headquarters has replaced all lights in the office with LED ones while introducing various systems and taking various measures, such as turning off lights outside working hours and installation of automatic power off and standby power cut-off devices. Through these efforts, LocknLock aims to save energy in a more active manner, thereby contributing to making our planet healthier.