LocknLock ‘Goodbye disposable cup challenge’ for Mother Earth

-Anyone showing tumbler use over disposable cup can join the challenge set to last until Apr. 21st in Instagram
-LocknLock to give zero waste kit to 22 participants on Earth Day on Apr. 22nd
The global living goods company LocknLock Co. (RD Sunghoon Kim) joined ‘Goodbye disposable cup challenge’ to practice zero waste and prepared a special event for participants.
’Goodbye disposable cup challenge’ is an activity encouraging the use of tumblers in daily life. It started on Mar. 8th led by the 16th Green mate composed of LocknLock’s university student supporters.
All that is needed is to use personal tumblers over disposable cup at cafeterias, school, office and just about anywhere and upload photo along with hashtag “Goodbye disposable cup challenge’ in personal Instagram. Those who joined the challenge can ask two others to join and it is actually open to everyone who shares the value.
LocknLock also prepared a special event to encourage more to join the challenge on the occasion of Earth Day, which is Apr. 22nd. The company will select 22 active participants to the challenge in Instagram until midnight Apr. 21st and give them zero waste kit composed of LocknLock multi-usables worth 40,000 Won. Further notice will be shared individually through LocknLock’s official Instagram message on Apr. 22nd.
Director Minsook Kang of LocknLock HR Center said growing awareness on environmental protection is driving more people towards environmental-friendly behavior. “I hope more consumers can join the Goodbye disposable cup challenge, which has been initiated by Green mate, and find joy in Meaning Out(trend sharing one’s belief through consumption)” said Kang.
Green mate is eco-friendly supporters composed of local university students launched with the intention to practice LocknLock’s green business philosophy. Since its launch in 2013, Green mate planned and executed various projects for environmental protection. New mate team is selected every half year and the 16th Green mate in action drew huge attention demonstrated by applicants 15 times bigger than the pool planned by LocknLock. Green mate is performing various missions on and offline based on the zero waste theme to spread eco-friendly culture.